Sunday, July 5, 2009

Get it. Get. It.

Oooohh it's been a while.

I am currently on my way back to ye olde Flaaarda. Which is pretty exciting despite the slight annoyance of this layover in "Chaaalston", y'all. It's freezing in here and I'm seeing an usually high amount of armed service soldiers today. Well, three, but that's still a bit much. At least it's not the Memphis airport which smells like barbecue.

I could really go for a nap omigodilovepeoplewhotravelwithnothingnotevenasuitcaseorabookor
likethatanditmakemeincrediblyhappy because I didn't sleep last night because I'm a jackass and decided that partying with Jackie and Libs was more important than not throwing up on my plane. There are Wheel eggs and toast just a-gurgling away in my tum. It was a good idea at the time but now I regret it. Whatever, last night was stressful, I totally deserve some fucking eggs and toast. My nerves were frayed to nothing due to my fear of loud noises and the idea that fireworks are RAINING FIRE down on the earth and you never know, I might catch on fire or something on top of a run in with the cops because my idiot friend Griffin decided to light off illegal fireworks in his back yard. In the middle of town. No one was pleased, least of all Jackie who was wigging out in the basement.

Funnier story, an acquaintance of mine totally bit it in the door way into Griffin's house. We turned around and there he was, passed out with his head in the kitchen and his feet on the deck. Stupid thing is, he totally didn't have a buddy, and you should always have a buddy. Even if you're not drinking, you should have a buddy in case something terrible happens, like you pass out in a doorway, break your glasses, throw up three times, and open your sad, broken heart to three girls who you barely know who just think the whole situation is funny. Well, Jackie and I thought it was funny, Libby was sad and concerned. Bless her heart.

I'm bouts to get on a motherfucking plane. I'm outie 5000.


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