Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Bets are a funny thing. The fact that we will accept favors or money on the outcome of an unknown constant. Today I made a bet with Alicia that if I quit smoking for a week, she will repeat, on cue a catch phrase that Justin and I are trying to popularize. Basically, every day that I don't smoke I can simply say her name and she will say, "Ohhh, you dis him" in a ridiculous voice and cadence. The main enjoyment I hope to get out of this is hearing Alicia say things in a silly voice. But I think it will be good for me to quit smoking for a week to get out of the habit of smoking so much. But we'll see how I feel in a few days.

I'm pretty excited about it.

Also, there is a 50/50% chance that I'll either go to Oklahoma with Brooke or Connecticut with Bill to see Avery. So either way, I'll be having a super week.

Will post later this week to let you know what's happening with the not smoking thing.

Particular song for today: When You Love Somebody - Fruitbats
Days smokeless: 0/7

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