In other news...
I've been reading a lot about serial killers lately (I always do this, I know, it's weird) and it's increasing my paranoia of 'stranger danger'. I've read many accounts of nurses, those nice ladies who put our IV lines in, who kill their patients, whether out of 'mercy' or just for sexual thrills. This is disconcerting to me, as I have always been a little leery of medical professionals. My mother called me the other night and said that since I'm coming home in a few weeks that she scheduled me for an MRI. The reason is because she think I might have the same brain disease that she had that required surgery. She had Chiari I malformation, which we recently found out might be hereditary. I flatly refuse to get an MRI due to my extreme claustrophobia, to which my mother keeps telling me that they can give me an injection to calm me down. This is a situation which could make me have a panic attack anyway for fear of my nurse killing me. It's a real fear kids, I'm not crazy, that shit happens. Even if I do the MRI (which I will because I know my mother will guilt trip me into it) what if I do have a Chiari malformation? I'd have to get brain surgery. Not only do I have a fear of being put under, I don't have time for brain surgery. I have too much shit to do. I don't even want the comfort of knowing. Ignorance is bliss.
I also just started a book about Ted Bundy, who is a creeeeperrrrr. He killed upwards of 26 young women, often kidnapping them in broad fucking daylight. So scary. Now I really don't trust strangers. They could be the next Ted.
Enough of my maudlin musings of serial killers, I have an easy week. Lab tonight at 5 and I have a meeting with my 'guy', my Storytelling lab instructor, Will Couch about my script tomorrow at 10:20. Shouldn't take too long, leaving me the rest of the day to fuck around. Also, my weekend is almost completely, blissfully free. I only have rehearsal on Sunday from 2-6. Hopefully I'll have more to do than be on book for actors and try to decipher my director's crazy blocking notes.
I've noticed a marked increase of 2 of my vices lately. Smoking cigarettes and smoking.. something else. I should really cut back. Yeah, and spending money has taken a turn for the worse as well. I should cut back on that too.
Now, I've gotten some complaints recently about my accent. We in Michigan are told growing up that we are accentless since newscasters aspire to speak more mid-westerly. I found this hilarious site all about the 'Michigan accent' and it rings very true. I totally say 85% of those things. For instance: "Maahm" = Mom, "aeh Narbor" = Ann Arbor and "Haahkee" = Hockey. Bahaha.
I'll leave you with this: "If your best friend gets it, that's all that matters." - Kathleen Hannah. Now, I'm going to cut my hair.
EDIT: whoa, that's a long-ass post. I can't believe I did that. Congrats to making it all the way. Here, I got you some

Ted Bundy didn't give a FUCK.
ReplyDeletei haven't read any of this yet, but holy shit is it long.