I hate learning from people I don't respect. This Kevin O'Neil guy is a tool. He talks about actors like they're a different species, like cats or deep sea angler fish. Actors are still humans, we all have the same insecurities. And really, who's to say that actors are more insecure than any other profession? Are accountants infinitely more secure in themselves than actors? Are elephant trainers? If you just talk to an actor like a person, like you would talk to any sentient being, you'll get a great performance out of them. This 'teacher' just keeps belaboring the fact that you have to talk to actors in a specific way with a specific formula, but he talks as if he's above all of this actor bullshit.
Saw Cloud Cult last week. So. Fucking. Good.
Craig Minowa is the MAN. I honestly think he might be a genius.
One of the best parts of the show was the fact that the violinist had no emotion. Just stone faced the whole time. Hahaha.
Anyways... I have a lot to do today. I hate having to fit in 2398753 things into one day. And still try to get some sleep. Mall after class, meeting before/after mall, hang out with Bill (very necessary, may even be priority number 1) and rehearsal at 6. I don't have a lot of time.
Ok, my teacher is still talking, so I'm gonna go and hate him intensely.
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